Benefits Report 2024
O+I Develop was formed in October 2019 and became a certified benefit company that was certified by Benefit Corporations for Good in April 2022. As a Leadership Development and Career Transition Coach, I follow an evidence-based, integrative, goal-focused approach to coaching. It is comprehensive and helps professionals move beyond addressing immediate concerns or achieving short-term goals. It invites self-reflection, encourages deeper growth, and builds new capacities and attitudes that last. Organizations partner with me to work with their leaders, and private clients seek career transition services.
My Vision:
A connected and purpose-led world.
My Mission:
Partnering with organizations and individuals to reach their full potential with purpose, meaning, and joy.
My Values:
Invest in relationships and causes that amplify equity.
Show compassion and kindness toward everyone and their different identities, abilities, and cultures.
Enjoy life and consciously weave and integrate personal and professional priorities.
Summary Review of Year
I believe coaching is a partnership to maximize personal and professional potential. My role is to provide a trusting space for people to step out of their busy worlds and to consider new avenues and possibilities. I listen deeply, ask important and thought-provoking questions, and provide guidance and support throughout the coaching journey. I’ll stretch them to lean into areas that are challenging to take on alone and help them find clarity. I hold them accountable to take actions and achieve results that will endure for long-term excellence. The professionals I support are men, women, people of color, and culturally diverse.
I commit to reducing, reusing, and recycling. Some of the ways I focus on sustaining and improving the environment and shrinking my carbon footprint include:
Reducing paper use and printing double-sided whenever possible.
Recycling paper, cardboard, plastic, and other renewable resources.
Minimizing my carbon footprint by leveraging technology and reducing my need for printing, traveling, and commuting when possible.
Working from my home office.Using reusable dishware.
This is all clearly stated on my website in the “About” section.
My clients have doubled the number of leaders I work with, and I have retained a new government agency. My clients base has shifted to 70% corporate and 30% private.
Key Metrics
I increased and focused my donations to one organization that supports underrepresented populations, including:
Multnomah Athletic Foundation: Provides character and confidence-building opportunities through athletics and education in underserved communities.
I focused my service on one board, Multnomah Athletic Foundation
Board Member: Attend bi-monthly meetings and engage strategically with fellow board members and the executive director.
Grants Committee: Review and select community grants that support confidence and character-building opportunities for youth with an emphasis on athletic participation. The foundation prioritizes investing in partners who provide opportunities to neighborhoods and populations with limited access and resources. I average one meeting per month and volunteer 5 hours/month.
ED Peer Group Facilitator: Launched a peer group of executive directors who receive our grants to meet quarterly. The group's purpose is to create a space for this community to get to know and support each other, collaborate in sharing, listening, and communicating, and operate with a growth mindset to be open, curious, and a learner. The time commitment is 12 hours/year.
Coaching clients/hours
Over the past year, I have coached over 20 individuals for over 100 hours, spending an average of a year with each individual. In addition, I meet with my 3 corporate clients once a month for check-ins and offer periodic workshops on topics relevant to the company’s needs.
I wrote an inspiring quarterly newsletter and send to over 300 professionals. In addition, I promote supportive content on LinkedIn twice a month and support other posts daily.
I increased my visibility by joining the Portland Business Journal’s PDX Biz Women Coalition and had a feature profile in the Portland Business Journal’s weekly publication.
Continuing Education
Curiosity and learning are critical to being an effective coach. In the past year I have achieved the following re-certifications through long-term learning and growth.
Thwarting the Inner Critic through New Ventures West
Graduate Wellspring through New Ventures West
Coming Year
I will continue to learn and develop so I can support my clients with transparency and authenticity. In addition, I will deepen my coaching by seeking to advance my coaching certification to the PCC level.
With a strong emphasis on weaving work and life in a healthy balance, I will continue to model the importance of work, service, curiosity, and rest for my clients.